
Satisfied customers are all the motivation we need

Our objective has always been to take a holistic approach to our customers' projects, which also means developing personalised solutions and implementing these to a very high standard. Our actions are very much influenced and encouraged by the spirit of partnership displayed by the acting parties on both sides.

Quality always wins through.

It is this that produces satisfied customers and creates a long-standing, trust-based relationship that is strong enough to handle any task that may arise. Being valued and appreciated by customers and partners confirms that we are on the right track.

Three S-shaped deviated freeze holes drilled to a depth of 848 metres
planning work
Directional drilling
freeze drilling
Exploration drilling


Gremyachinsky GOK Potash Mine operated by OOO EuroChem-VolgaKali
Volgograd district, Russia


OOO EuroChem-VolgaKali


06/2020 to 09/2020

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An analysis of the core samples obtained by IDMG from a previous drilling assignment at the service shaft for the EuroChem mine showed that three additional boreholes would be needed in order to create a freeze zone for the stabilisation and sealing of a geological-hydrological anomaly present at a depth of 820 m. This would allow the construction work on the service shaft to continue safely using the freeze sinking method.

On the basis of the quality of the work carried out during the previous drilling assignment EuroChem again commissioned IDMG to drill and fit out the three additional S-shaped boreholes.

As was the case in one of the previous contracts carried out for EuroChem core samples 101 mm in diameter were to be recovered from one of the three holes at a depth of 790 to 848 m.

IDMG once again used its own state-of-the-art equipment for the directional drilling and core drilling operations. The work was carried out to EuroChem's complete satisfaction.

Drilling of seven S-shaped deviated freeze holes at depths of up to 848 metres
planning work
Directional drilling
freeze drilling
Exploration drilling


Gremyachinsky GOK Potash Mine operated by OOO EuroChem-VolgaKali
Volgograd district, Russia


OOO EuroChem-Volgakali


08/2019 to 05/2020

more information:
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Major fertiliser producers EuroChem decided that if the freeze sinking operation at its mine service shaft was to continue successfully additional freeze holes would be required to stabilise and seal  the geological-hydrological anomaly that had been encountered at a shaft depth of 820 m.

Because of the surface installations that had already been set up close to the mouth of the shaft the seven additional holes were to be drilled with an S-shaped configuration.

Given IDMG's extensive and proven experience with directional boreholes EuroChem commissioned the drilling company to carry out every aspect of the operation, i.e. drilling the deviated holes, planning the borehole path, managing the directional drilling phase, installing the freeze pipes and preparing the area for the subsequent ground freeze.

At EuroChem's request core samples 101 mm in diameter were to be recovered from one of the seven holes at a depth of 790 to 848 m.

IDMG used its own state-of-the-art equipment for the directional drilling and core drilling operations. The work was carried out to EuroChem's complete satisfaction.

Directional drilling service to provide for the deviation of an exploratory borehole
planning work
Directional drilling
Exploration drilling


OOO EuroChem-SaratovKali potash deposits
district, Russia


Thyssen Schachtbau for OOO TEB



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The drilling company OOO Thyssen EuroChem Bohren (TEB) has been carrying out exploratory drilling work aimed at surveying the potash deposits in the Saratov district of Russia.

IDMG was commissioned to calculate the course of the borehole deviation and to deliver the associated directional drilling service.

The hole deviation was successfully completed.

Directional drilling service completes an S-shaped freeze hole and an S-shaped temperature measurement hole to a depth of 837 metres
planning work
Directional drilling
freeze drilling


Gremyachinsky GOK Potash Mine operated by OOO EuroChem-VolgaKali
Volgograd district, Russia


Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH


04/2019 to 07/2019

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The commission, which was based on the borehole drill path previously planned by IDMG, was to drill one additional S-shaped freeze hole and one S-shaped temperature measurement hole at the service shaft being sunk for the fertiliser company EuroChem.

The company contracted to carry out the drilling work (Thyssen Schachtbau) commissioned IDMG with the directional drilling services required to drill both boreholes.

Despite encountering challenging geological conditions and areas of deep-frozen ground IDMG's experienced and highly qualified drilling team was able to remain within the maximum permissible deviation (tolerance radius of 0.6 to 1.2 m) over the entire drill path.

Calculation and planning of an S-shaped drilling for a freeze hole and a temperature measurement hole extending to a depth of 837 metres
planning work


Gremyachinsky GOK Potash Mine operated by OOO EuroChem-VolgaKali
district, Russia


Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH



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The fertiliser company EuroChem required an additional freeze hole and an additional temperature measurement hole to be drilled in order to be able to continue the freeze sinking work underway to construct a service shaft at its potash mine. Because a number of buildings and other structures were already in place around the mouth of the shaft these new drilling points had to be positioned away from the immediate shaft zone. This meant that a deviated, S-shaped drill path had to be accurately planned so that the boreholes would eventually align with the calculated target area.

The company contracted to undertake the drilling operation (Thyssen Schachtbau) called in IDMG to plan and calculate the proposed drill path.

The drilling work was executed in accordance with the IDMG plan.