We are seeking to recruit!

Start your career with IDMG

We are a professional team with a variety of technical specialisations and a broad range of interdisciplinary know-how and skills. By maintaining a high level of mutual support in-house the team is able to achieve real efficiency in engineering planning and task execution. Each and every IDMG employee has a role to play in the company's operations in accordance with his or her individual strengths and competences. A team spirit based on respect and trust, and backed up by open communication within the company, provides the creative space that is needed to generate new ideas and develop the best engineering solutions for our clients. We have a team in which every member pulls their weight and this drives the company forward through commercial performance, innovation and sustainability.

The IDMG team is distinguished by its long-standing engineering expertise and its many years of industry experience, supported by a high safety awareness and a strong professional commitment.

Apply now

and look forward to a long-term and successful future with us.

If you want to be part of our team send in a detailed application by e-mail to:

Current job vacancies
Accounting and controlling
Human resources
Legal affairs
Purchasing and logistics
Back office and administration
Project planning: work preparation, planning and coordination
Technical drawing and design engineering
Quality management
Drilling and directional drilling
Electrical engineering
Refrigeration technology
Occupational safety